Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Rant #1

            All right so I'm so tired of being nice to people who just turn around and just pretty much slap you in the face. I mean what have I ever done to you that would warrant for you to be a complete bitch to me every time I see you? Is it really necessary to put me down and speak to me like I'm a little child? I'm tired of feeling like I just want to curl up in a ball and cry every time I see this person. I have never done anything to this person yet I feel like I keep going out of my way to help them when they don't deserve it. If I had a say in it I probably wouldn't be around this person. I really shouldn't be helping them ever yet my better nature always gets the better of me. I can't seem to help it when it comes to doing nice things for this person or anyone that I see that is in need.
            I've done everything from making sure this person eats to actually babysitting their child. I do so much yet I'm always getting bitched out for one thing or another. The worst part is that I could do something as little as forgetting to call someone back and they go off the handle on a thirty minute tirade about how my decision was stupid. The worst part is I've asked people around me if they notice that this person treats me differently than everyone else. The unanimous answer was that this person does. They treat me far more harshly then the other people around me. There have even been incidents where this person has actually gotten mad at me for something someone else has done. Then when I tell them that they are getting mad at the wrong person they just rudely say "just making sure you don't do it". At the end of the day I can only guess one reason as to why this person treats me this way and I realize how conceded this sounds. They are jealous that I'm happy while they are miserable.
           While this person is in no relationship while in their thirties I am happily married. This person is currently overweight while I've actually taken the initiative and am currently in the best shape of my life. Financially we are the same living paycheck to paycheck but I'm still perfectly happy. This person keeps complaining about how miserable they are and how lonely they are. I'm so tired of trying to be nice to this person and reassure them when all they do it seems is to try to tear me down. I'm not going to pretend that I'm unhappy because you aren't just to make you feel better. Try acting your age and realize that if you actually decide to be happy you will be. Quit trying to make everyone around you miserable just to make yourself feel better. At this point this person to me is just an acquaintance. Why would I consider someone that treats me like crap a friend? At this point I'm tired of trying to talk to this person about how they are treating me. It just goes in one ear and out the other. Until this person actually treats me with some respect they are not going to be anything more than someone is see every so often.
            Before I conclude this post I would like to say that I'm well aware that this is a rant and there is most likely nothing is going to change what is going on in the future. After typing this out I do feel quite a bit better. Sometimes all you need to do is let out a little steam.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Macho Men

            All right so what I don't understand is how we're in the twentieth century yet there are still men out there that think they can talk down to women. What part of society these days has made it all right for men to think they can still treat women like they are beneath them? I thought after all the struggles women had to go through so that we could be treated equally would have sunk in by now. What gives a man the right to treat a woman with disrespect especially when they had done nothing to warrant that kind of behavior? Would a man want their son to grow up treating women without any kind of respect? I know if my son were to treat women like they were a lesser being I would be ashamed of that child. 
            For example I work for a company called Lifetouch so our studios are inside of Jc Penney's and Targets. The managers of these studios have to work side by side with the store managers. Well the manager of the Target that my studio is located at treats my manager and her staff (including me) like we're beneath him and we have to follow his rules. One we do not work for this man and two he has no right to tell us how to run the studio. I have witness times when my manager (who is a woman) tries to talk to him about issues we are having. He either blatantly ignores her or gets in her face towering over her. It is never okay to throw around your authority like that especially when you are a six foot man talking to a 5'4" woman. Getting in to someone's face like that is just a way of trying to intimidate them in to listening to you. Thankfully my manager is a stronger woman than that and doesn't let this small minded man push her around.
            Another example is something that had recently happened to me. I am a military wife that lives right on base so I feel safe going on daily runs with my dog. He's a big dog since he is half German Shepard and half Austrian Hound. I have no issues with keeping him in line but today I had a couple run by me so I made sure I had a hold on his collar knowing how excited he is when he meets new people. Well the man decided to run right beside me so close that I could smell the sweat on him. Naturally my dog wants to be protective and nips at the guy. Turns out his teeth got caught in the mans shorts and he ripped the guys shorts. I had made sure to apologize right away for what my dog had done and reprimanded my dog on the spot. The man on the other hand tells me "Keep a better watch on your dog. I nearly just kicked his ass." One if he had remotely tried to touch my dog I would have kicked his ass even though he was over six feet tall. Two there was no need to be that hostile. I understand perfectly well that my dog had done something wrong. Normally my dog doesn't act that way so this is actually an isolated incident. The guy decides to come back after me just to tell me that in the future I should cross the street when I see someones coming towards me. He even went as far as saying that he's worried about my dog biting a chunk out of one of his four kids legs. I understand why he is worried for his children but I would never allow my dog near a child if I thought he was dangerous. My dog has been around children plenty of times and has never once hurt them even when the child is rough housing with him. This military man thought it would be all right to talk down to me like I was one of his men under him and belittle me when I tried to assure him that my dog usually doesn't do things like this. His response to this is "I don't care how your dog is usually". I wouldn't even be allowed to have my dog on base if he was remotely dangerous. I had to take him to the front office so they could meet him and approve him (ironically they have been bite by more poodles than any other bred). I'm sorry if this part comes off as a rant but I did not appreciate the way this military man spoke to me with his wife standing a few feet behind him. If she remotely agreed with him she would have been standing beside him. Wouldn't you stand beside someone if you agreed with what they are doing? 
             I think there are some men in our society that need to take a strong hard look at the way the talk/treat women. We are just as capable as a man to do anything they can. For those men out there that do treat women without respect try looking at yourself in a mirror. Would the woman who raised you be proud of the man you are?

Just Cause They Sparkle

            So back in the day whenever you read about vampires in novels or even in the media they were actually terrifying creatures. In Buffy the Vampire Slayer their faces actually twisted in become grotesque creatures. In an Anne Rice novel they were mysterious and dangerous at the same time. Even in the Cirque Du Freak series by Darren Shan vampires were fearsome creatures. Now these days every teen age girl has become obsessed with vampires that sparkle in sunlight like diamonds.
            I have read the entire Twilight series and enjoyed the romance angle of the series. In all seriousness if you saw a vampire that sparkles would you be afraid of them? Vampires are supposed to creatures that are supposed to be dangerous and beautiful at the same time. When you think about Dracula you're first thought isn't "oh he's so cute and foreboding that I want to get to know him better". Most would think about how much this creature of the night scares you. Besides where in all of history of the vampire legends does it say they stay out of the sunlight cause they sparkle? If I saw a vampire sparkle in the sunlight I think I would probably laugh first before I would think to be scared. When a vampire steps in the sunlight it's supposed to burn their skin and possibly even killed them. I wouldn't say that the creatures in the Twilight series are vampires honestly. The only trait they really have in common with vampires is the need to drink blood. Just that alone doesn't mean they are vampires.
            Vampires aren't supposed to have special abilities like being able to read minds or even seeing the future. The only abilities they are supposed to have is super strength, super speed, immortality, and the ability to compel someone to do their bidding. In that case if they are capable of doing so much more than that then they might as well be wearing tights and a cape. Have them go ahead and join the Justice League. I would much rather read about a vampire that's cunning like a feline in the wild hunting it's prey. I want to read about a vampire that's got a insane taste for blood so much so that it can never be satisfied. Wouldn't you rather read something about a vampire that makes your skin crawl. Romance novels are still good to read but at least make the vampires actually vampires not something that you would buy at Jared's. I just want my real vampires again like Angel, Darren Shan, or Vladimir Dracula.

Saturday, March 23, 2013


            "You only live once" has become the popular acronym YOLO. What I don't understand about this newest craze is how there some people out there that seem to think this means they should do something stupid. How could you think YOLO means go to a wild party and get trashed? Doesn't getting drunk off your butt usually lead to you getting sick or you possibly doing something you'll later regret? Thinking that you're living your life by getting blacked out drunk or even partaking in a drug is quite foolish. When I think of YOLO I don't think about it being connected to something that I will potentially regret later on in life or even the very next morning. 
            When I think about YOLO I think more of doing things that actually have meaning to your life. Like for example going skydiving to conquer your fear of heights. If you feel that you want to do something important with your life you could try joining the military, becoming a doctor, or even going in to teaching. You only live once so why not do something that actually makes an impact on the world. Start a charity that helps certain disease research make breakthroughs or even just to help the local people around your town. Personally when I think about YOLO I think about one day making that trip to Europe and taking a cross country road trip. I see myself zip lining through the trees in the Amazon Rain Forest. I can even see myself traveling to Africa to help run medical clinics or even helping to build schools. Not once have I every thought "I only live once so I'm going to get myself plastered/high". As I'm sure most people have done before one or the other at some point in there life. How many of you would want to repeat having that massive hangover and wondering what you did the night before? How many of you did something that you wish you hadn't? Wouldn't you rather wake up the next morning thinking to yourself "I actually succeeded in accomplishing something"? I don't think killing your liver or brain cells in one night is considered YOLO.
             So next time you think "hey this is YOLO" why not take a step back and actually think about it for a moment. Is this actually a moment where you're going to do something that you're proud of? Is this a moment that has a potential to make you regret something later on? Try waking up in the morning and say "you only live once" because you're about to do something that you'll not only remember but be proud of.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Healthy Lifestyle

         Well for my first blog entry today I'll be talking about people's drive or lack of to lose weight. Everyday I heard about how someone is overweight and that is the reason why they are unhappy. If you're so unhappy then why don't you do something about it? Why would you just continue sitting on your couch eating through an entire bag of chips by yourself day after day? It would make more sense that if there is a reason you're unhappy then do something to change it. Losing weight may take time but in the long run it will benefit you. Most people that are overweight actually suffer from quite a bit of medical issues. Some medical issues that can be related to obesity is diabetes, sleep apnea, and heart disease. Most people that actually lose the access weight manage to get rid of these health issues. Even worse part about obesity is that most don't realize that you're actually aging your body faster. This reason alone should be motivation to live a healthier lifestyle. Why wouldn't you want to be able to live a long life? Why wouldn't you want to be able to do things like going hiking or even just being able to keep up with your children? I would think that especially those that are parents would want to make sure that they are around for a long time to see their children grow up. Whatever the reason you should never let any excuse keep you from leading a healthy life. Don't let the excuse of "I have no time to exercise" or "I can't do it" keep you from doing what you need to do to get healthy. All a person truly needs is thirty minutes of exercise daily and you just need to watch what you eat. 
             Stop going out to eat for every meal. It's all right to do it once a week for one meal but the food you find in fast food places or even restaurants isn't good for you. In the long run you would actually be saving money by getting groceries and cooking at home. You would want to avoid saturated fats and trans fats as much as you possibly can because the body has a hard to breaking it down. Stay away enriched or bleached flour in your breads or carbs. You would want whole grain when it comes to your breads or pastas. As for meats a person would want to eat as little red meat as possible. Grilled or steamed chicken, turkey or even seafood is the best for you and will have the least amount of calories. People always whine about how healthy foods don't taste good when they don't bother to make it taste good by adding seasonings. Healthy foods can taste good if you take the time to make them that way. 
            As for the daily thirty minutes of exercising even if you're just doing running every day you have to do something that makes you sweat. The body was built to do work and to be active. How do you expect to lose weight if you don't do anything to burn the calories? You don't have to go to the gym to work out. Beachbody actually has a variety of fitness videos that help you burn calories or even build muscles. If your excuse for not exercising is that you don't want to do it alone there's always classes you can take (zumba, spin class, yoga, etc). It's about finding those exercises that you enjoy doing and making it part of your daily routine. This is usually where most people bring in the I don't have time excuse when there is always about thirty minutes every day a person actually doesn't do anything. I'm sure you even have ten minutes every day to some form of exercise (Beachbody offers a 10 minute trainer series for just this). 
            In short just a little bit of exercise a day and eating properly can actually help you in leading a long happy life. Why wouldn't you want to lose weight? Why wouldn't a person want to be able to live a long life without any medical problems? Just got to throw out all the excuses and just do it.