Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Rant #1

            All right so I'm so tired of being nice to people who just turn around and just pretty much slap you in the face. I mean what have I ever done to you that would warrant for you to be a complete bitch to me every time I see you? Is it really necessary to put me down and speak to me like I'm a little child? I'm tired of feeling like I just want to curl up in a ball and cry every time I see this person. I have never done anything to this person yet I feel like I keep going out of my way to help them when they don't deserve it. If I had a say in it I probably wouldn't be around this person. I really shouldn't be helping them ever yet my better nature always gets the better of me. I can't seem to help it when it comes to doing nice things for this person or anyone that I see that is in need.
            I've done everything from making sure this person eats to actually babysitting their child. I do so much yet I'm always getting bitched out for one thing or another. The worst part is that I could do something as little as forgetting to call someone back and they go off the handle on a thirty minute tirade about how my decision was stupid. The worst part is I've asked people around me if they notice that this person treats me differently than everyone else. The unanimous answer was that this person does. They treat me far more harshly then the other people around me. There have even been incidents where this person has actually gotten mad at me for something someone else has done. Then when I tell them that they are getting mad at the wrong person they just rudely say "just making sure you don't do it". At the end of the day I can only guess one reason as to why this person treats me this way and I realize how conceded this sounds. They are jealous that I'm happy while they are miserable.
           While this person is in no relationship while in their thirties I am happily married. This person is currently overweight while I've actually taken the initiative and am currently in the best shape of my life. Financially we are the same living paycheck to paycheck but I'm still perfectly happy. This person keeps complaining about how miserable they are and how lonely they are. I'm so tired of trying to be nice to this person and reassure them when all they do it seems is to try to tear me down. I'm not going to pretend that I'm unhappy because you aren't just to make you feel better. Try acting your age and realize that if you actually decide to be happy you will be. Quit trying to make everyone around you miserable just to make yourself feel better. At this point this person to me is just an acquaintance. Why would I consider someone that treats me like crap a friend? At this point I'm tired of trying to talk to this person about how they are treating me. It just goes in one ear and out the other. Until this person actually treats me with some respect they are not going to be anything more than someone is see every so often.
            Before I conclude this post I would like to say that I'm well aware that this is a rant and there is most likely nothing is going to change what is going on in the future. After typing this out I do feel quite a bit better. Sometimes all you need to do is let out a little steam.

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