Saturday, March 23, 2013


            "You only live once" has become the popular acronym YOLO. What I don't understand about this newest craze is how there some people out there that seem to think this means they should do something stupid. How could you think YOLO means go to a wild party and get trashed? Doesn't getting drunk off your butt usually lead to you getting sick or you possibly doing something you'll later regret? Thinking that you're living your life by getting blacked out drunk or even partaking in a drug is quite foolish. When I think of YOLO I don't think about it being connected to something that I will potentially regret later on in life or even the very next morning. 
            When I think about YOLO I think more of doing things that actually have meaning to your life. Like for example going skydiving to conquer your fear of heights. If you feel that you want to do something important with your life you could try joining the military, becoming a doctor, or even going in to teaching. You only live once so why not do something that actually makes an impact on the world. Start a charity that helps certain disease research make breakthroughs or even just to help the local people around your town. Personally when I think about YOLO I think about one day making that trip to Europe and taking a cross country road trip. I see myself zip lining through the trees in the Amazon Rain Forest. I can even see myself traveling to Africa to help run medical clinics or even helping to build schools. Not once have I every thought "I only live once so I'm going to get myself plastered/high". As I'm sure most people have done before one or the other at some point in there life. How many of you would want to repeat having that massive hangover and wondering what you did the night before? How many of you did something that you wish you hadn't? Wouldn't you rather wake up the next morning thinking to yourself "I actually succeeded in accomplishing something"? I don't think killing your liver or brain cells in one night is considered YOLO.
             So next time you think "hey this is YOLO" why not take a step back and actually think about it for a moment. Is this actually a moment where you're going to do something that you're proud of? Is this a moment that has a potential to make you regret something later on? Try waking up in the morning and say "you only live once" because you're about to do something that you'll not only remember but be proud of.

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