Sunday, March 31, 2013

Temporary Fix

            It's kind of sad that one the most profitable business out there is plastic surgery. Why would you want to go to a doctor that tells you literally what is wrong with your appearance? If you go in just to find out  about what they offer they still tell you all kinds of things. They tell you how there isn't symmetry in your face which is why you don't look desirable to men/women. If you didn't have self esteem issues before walking in to the plastic surgeons office you will afterwards. It's ridiculous how much money they make just to tell you you're ugly because of one reason or another. The worst part is those that go in to get the procedure done don't even need it. They just a negative view of themselves even though people around them tell them how beautiful or handsome they are.
            I can see where plastic surgery would be useful for those that were in some kind of accident. Like burn victims would want their skins grafted just so that they feel normal. If you truly feel that when you look in the mirror you hate the way you look due to some kind of accident then I say go for the plastic surgery. But if you're looking in the mirror and start to think things like "my nose is too big", "I'm too fat" or even "my lips aren't full enough" then honestly you don't need it. In this case you want the plastic surgery for shallow reasons. So what if you don't look exactly like a Victoria's Secret model or a Kalvin Klein model. Not everyone is meant to look the same and look completely perfect. Life would be boring if everyone looked the same. The sad part is most of people body issues they have can be fixed by just doing some exercises. Doing a quick fix will only put a band aide over what body issues you're having. Most plastic surgery procedures that are done for vain reasons you can actually tell that it's fake. Like some nose jobs are done in a way that you know it's not their real nose. Even plastic surgery on a woman's breasts can look fake especially when a woman's breast aren't supposed to actually stay in place. The most common plastic surgery for men of course is liposuction. That's a major temporary fix especially if you don't change your eating habits that got you to that point that you needed liposuction then there is no point in getting the surgery. If you just end up putting the weight back on then you just wasted thousands of dollars. In my opinion if you're looking to change your appearance because of a shallow reason like "I don't like how this part of my body looks" then you don't need surgery you need therapy. It sounds like to me you need to change how you think and perceive yourself rather then spending thousands on dollars putting yourself most likely in debt to get a fix you might dislike later.
            I would much rather save my money for a trip to like the Bahamas where I can make memories that use that money for a temporary fix. The temporary fix isn't going to last forever and when it's finally gone you're just going to be left with the same empty feeling. Why not look in to something that will give you the permanent fix that will in the long run make you happy.     

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