Saturday, April 6, 2013

Silver Plate

            Okay so what I don't understand is how people expect things to happen in their life without them putting in any kind of work. You can't expect to have everything handed to you on a silver plate. When everything is handed to you this way you don't appreciate anything that you have. Then when you do lose what is given to you quite a few people would blame the person that did the taking. When something has been taken from you that you didn't remotely work for or even earn you can only blame yourself. Nothing in life is worth having if you don't work for it.
            You can't expect to truly get anywhere in life if you don't work hard. You can't truly get a good paying job if you don't put the time and effort in it to learn the career you wish to go in. If you feel what is holding you back is a college degree there is always a way to get one. Their are scholarships of all kinds out there and even community colleges that aren't as expensive as a traditional college. You've got to start somewhere and if that place is at a community college then so be it. At least you can say that you are working to make your life better. When you're done with community college that degree could potential making you enough money so you can afford to go to a traditional college. There is even financial aid or even grants that you can get. You can't expect to just sit on the coach every day drinking a beer and think you'll just magically get that dream job you've always wanted. Even those that have successful at home businesses (Mary Kay, Avon or even Team BeachBody) have had to work to earn the money that they make. 
            Even those that are in committed relationships that think "oh we're perfect together because we don't fight" that is not always the cause. Even the most perfect couple butt heads every once in awhile. You've got to work at a relationship. You can't expect you're relationship with your significant other to last through the long haul if you two don't actually work on your relationship. Problems are bound to come up in your relationship and it's all about how you two work together to fix that problem. You've got to work on communicating with each other and letting each know when they're doing something that bothers you. Never let things just build up till either of you explode. It's unhealthy to do that and it could just make things worse than they actually are. When you actually put the work in to your relationship you'll have a long and happy time together for as long as you're together.
            I hate when I come across those parents that have worked for everything they have and think it's okay to hand their children everything. It's nice to try and give your children a better life than what you had growing up. Just don't hand them everything to the point where they think they don't have to work for anything because mommy and daddy will give it too them. All the things that I had to save my money to buy growing up I took extremely care of knowing very well that I would have to replace it if it was damaged. When one of those kids/teenagers that get handed everything breaks say an IPod they begged for they usually just go "oh well my parents will just buy me a new one". Try actually teaching you're children how to work for what they have so when they become adults they don't know how to handle the real world. The real world won't care that mommy and daddy handed them everything on a silver plate. The real world will only care if they know how to do what needs to be done. How can someone appreciate all that life can offer if they were never taught how to work for it?
            Long story short if you don't even bother to work to better your life how can you expect it to get better? How can you appreciate anything in your life if you've never had to work for anything you have? The only way to truly get what you want in life is to work for it.

Friday, April 5, 2013


          One of the things that I really hate about this world is the fact that there are so many bullies. It amazes me that to this day there is always a bully in every group of a hundred people. You would think after all the things that have happened over the years due to bullies people would think that "hey I shouldn't bully people". Over the past couple of years there have been school shootings caused by teenagers that got tired of being bullied and didn't think that there was anything else they could do. There are even situations where people have even committed suicide due to people around them continuously being put down. It even amazes me that those that bully people that end up committing suicide or even lashing out at those tormenting them some even think that it's only the one being bullied's fault.
            Usually when you come across someone that bullies those around them the most typical reason is that their own self confidence is very low. Most bullies usually go after someone that they wish they were more like in one way or another. Even worst though is those bullies that pick on people around just because they enjoy seeing other's in misery. How is it that you can some how get in to the mindset that another person's misery will make you feel better? What part of another human beings suffering would make you feel joy? I wonder when these people look around to see that no one cares about them if they actually feel anything. I don't think any human being truly enjoys being alone but when you're a bully that's the only route you're heading down. When a person chooses to bully someone or the people around them all they are doing is pushing everyone away from them. Why would any one want to be around someone that does nothing but put them down?
            What most people don't realize though is that just standing by and letting the bullying happen is just as bad as the bullying. No one wants to know that there is someone just standing there watching when they could do something to help. If you are being bullied though you especially should be saying something. Never just stand back and let someone bully you. If you're in high school or lower go to a teacher or even just straight to the principal. Never let someone keep putting you down or even physically hurting you. The bully in my life that I had growing up I allowed it to go on for far too long. I got to the point where I didn't even want to wake up in the morning. It wasn't till I finally said something that the bullying finally stopped. If I had just said something way sooner I wouldn't have spent so much time suffering. I wouldn't have gotten to such a low point. For those of you out there that are being bullied speak up. Fight back (not literally).
            So for those of you out there bullying people you might want to grow up. All you're doing is showing how little substance you have and you're only going to end up alone in your life. For those of you being bullied I hope that you have the strength to fight back to stop the person from bullying you.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Perfect Body

            I never understood how the standards of a woman's beauty went from being curvy (roughly around a 11) to being skinny (a size 5 or less) With the model's and actress' in the media that are being portrayed to the world it isn't hard to see why so many women have bad body images. The media have set the standards of what they believe beauty is so high that its actually unrealistic. Not every woman in the world can be the size two with C cup breast. Woman come in all shapes and sizes just like men do. Most women's metabolism won't allow for them to be able to eat what ever they want and expect to not gain any weight. In my opinion women shouldn't worry about those women in the media. Instead just work on keeping yourself healthy. If you stop worrying about every other woman around you you'll actually be so much happier.
            This next part goes out to all the men. Why would you want to date a woman that's so skinny you can see her ribs? Literally most men seem to want the woman that looks like she's breakable. These women that are size 2's usually don't have very good self esteem or confidence. It would make more sense to me to look for a woman with curves that holds her head high from self confidence. One of the most beautiful models out there is Marilyn Monroe who was actually a size 12. She was not only a model but and actress as well as a singer. This very successful woman wasn't a size 2 and wasn't literally skin and bones. If I'm going to try to aim for a woman in the media to try and emulate I would pick her. Her body type is one that is quite achievable just from eating healthy and having a regular exercise routine. Setting up a goal to reach when it comes to trying to lose weight for woman isn't a bad thing but don't make that goal one that leads you to a size 0. What some women don't realize is that there is such a thing as being too skinny and that can be quite unhealthy. I would very much be a size 8 or 10 and be healthy than being a size 2 or 5 and feeling like I have no energy to do anything. 
             For all those women out there that are trying to hard to be that perfect image of a female body, STOP. There is no such thing as the perfect body. There are all kinds of body shapes out there and standing in front of the mirror saying that this and that is wrong with your body isn't what you should be doing. Even plastic surgery isn't going to give you that perfect image you're looking for. Instead just strive to be healthy and happy. When you achieve these two you're self esteem will follow. Just by getting healthy I've noticed my self esteem is better than it ever has been in my entire life. I've stopped really caring about what everyone thinks about my body. Instead I care more about just enjoying life and not worrying as much. Just got to kick the stress of achieving that perfect body out the window. Wouldn't you want to get rid of stress in your life even if it's a little one? Wouldn't it be easier to be happy if their is less stress in your life?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


            You hear every day it seems of someone knew dealing with depression. Most seem to think that being diagnosed with depression is a joke and don't think that it should be taken seriously. Those that suffer from depression can actually be quite self destructive especially when the people around them don't really take it seriously. Those that suffer from depression can go as far as physically harming themselves and even committing suicide. The sad fact is that all these people need is just one person to care enough to step in and fight to help that person.
            People that suffer from depression have a variety of reason's as to why they are depressed. In some cases it's as simple as someone is being bullied by a small minded person. It can go as far as having something traumatic happen in your life. Even adults with high demanding jobs can suffer from depression due to the stress they have to deal with day to day. There are several medications out there that can help with depression but there are for some when medication doesn't completely cut it. On top of medication some seek out help from a therapist. Just the act of being able to talk to someone that cares enough to listen and help a person talk through their issues can help a great deal. Another people way to help with depression some doctors actually recommend adding exercise to your daily routine. Exercise actually releases endorphin's in the body that is a chemical that helps you reduce your perception of pain. In turn it helps reduce stress and anxiety in the body. I personally do suffer from depression due to a traumatic incident in my child hood. I do take an anti-depressant but I go running 3 miles any where from 5 to 6 times a week. I'm happier than I've been in a long time and even my husband has noticed a difference in my attitude when he came back from his deployment. There are a variety of ways to help you with your depression. It's just about finding those ways and pushing yourself to actually try them out. If what you're trying isn't working try something else. You only really fail when you don't try at the very least.
            For those people out there that know of someone that suffers from depression don't be rude to them. Don't tell them just "get over it". Saying that right there just shows how little you actually care and you could potentially be making that person's depression worse. For all you know they just needed someone to sit there and listen to them tell you want is wrong. It's not going to hurt you just to sit there and listen. For all any one could know is that the person suffering from depression could be dangling off the edge and just need someone to pull them back. If it weren't for one of my dear friends in high school going out of her way to snap me back to reality I might not be here. I'm forever grateful to that friend for just caring enough to make sure that I made it from day to day. That's all it took back then to stop me from cutting. A single person with enough heart to just be there for me.
            So for those of you that are suffering from depression there are ways out there to help with your depression. Don't just give up and say that "I'm just going to be depressed my whole life". That moment you give in is the moment that you'll most likely never come back from it. Lastly if you know about anyone that is suffering from depression rather then assuming it's nothing serious actually have some compassion. Would you want someone to tell you "get over it" if you're depressed and just want someone to talk to?

Monday, April 1, 2013

Equal Rights

            So the most recent hot topic these days is same sex marriage. There as so many people that say that it shouldn't be legal for those that are gay or lesbian's to get married to the person that they love. Then on the other side there those that are fighting to help make same sex marriages legal. Both sides have their own arguments as to why they are right yet personally I feel that those that want to make the commitment of marriage should be allowed to whether they are man and woman or even same sex. 
            Why shouldn't someone be allowed to make the commitment of marriage in front of their friends and family? It shouldn't matter if it is a same sex couple. Those that are in a relationship and truly love each other should be allowed to have the right to marry whom ever they choose to marry. All the reason's I seem to hear as to why it should be illegal to have same sex marriages is religious. It's all about the Bible says this and that against gay marriage yet these people seem to forget something very important. One of the reasons that America was first founded was for religious freedom and when the government was founded they separated church from state. If church wasn't separated from state then so many freedoms would have been taken from us. We might even still be living in an age where there was still segregation. Instead of trying to force your religious views on someone because they want to marry the person they love try actually doing something better with your time. Instead you could be fighting to help get rid of white extremest's or even helping with dealing with things as simple as people who are struggling to live day to day. Why waste your energy on something that makes you look like closed minded religious nuts?
            Would you want to have someone tell you that you couldn't be married to the person you want to spend the rest of your life? If you wouldn't want someone to take away something that you have the right or even privilege to do you shouldn't be doing it to someone else. No one wants to have another person's views shoved down their throats and told "either you agree with me or you'll suffer dearly for it". Everyone has a right to choose how to live their life whether it be gay, straight or even bi-sexual. Just because a person is attracted to the same sex doesn't make that person any less of a person. They aren't going to be going straight to hell for loving whom they love. That should never be a reason that a person's soul would be condemned. If anything I would say those that steal, murder or cause a human being harm would be the ones with the black souls. I'm not a religious person but I do believe that if you live an honest life you aren't going to go to hell for it. So how does being gay or bi-sexual mean that you're going to hell?
            Before you decide to tell someone they can't marry a person because they are the same sex try being a little more open minded. It's not that hard to just let people love who they want to love without making them feel dirty about it. No one wants to feel like they are disgusting and wrong for loving whom they love. Would you? 

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Temporary Fix

            It's kind of sad that one the most profitable business out there is plastic surgery. Why would you want to go to a doctor that tells you literally what is wrong with your appearance? If you go in just to find out  about what they offer they still tell you all kinds of things. They tell you how there isn't symmetry in your face which is why you don't look desirable to men/women. If you didn't have self esteem issues before walking in to the plastic surgeons office you will afterwards. It's ridiculous how much money they make just to tell you you're ugly because of one reason or another. The worst part is those that go in to get the procedure done don't even need it. They just a negative view of themselves even though people around them tell them how beautiful or handsome they are.
            I can see where plastic surgery would be useful for those that were in some kind of accident. Like burn victims would want their skins grafted just so that they feel normal. If you truly feel that when you look in the mirror you hate the way you look due to some kind of accident then I say go for the plastic surgery. But if you're looking in the mirror and start to think things like "my nose is too big", "I'm too fat" or even "my lips aren't full enough" then honestly you don't need it. In this case you want the plastic surgery for shallow reasons. So what if you don't look exactly like a Victoria's Secret model or a Kalvin Klein model. Not everyone is meant to look the same and look completely perfect. Life would be boring if everyone looked the same. The sad part is most of people body issues they have can be fixed by just doing some exercises. Doing a quick fix will only put a band aide over what body issues you're having. Most plastic surgery procedures that are done for vain reasons you can actually tell that it's fake. Like some nose jobs are done in a way that you know it's not their real nose. Even plastic surgery on a woman's breasts can look fake especially when a woman's breast aren't supposed to actually stay in place. The most common plastic surgery for men of course is liposuction. That's a major temporary fix especially if you don't change your eating habits that got you to that point that you needed liposuction then there is no point in getting the surgery. If you just end up putting the weight back on then you just wasted thousands of dollars. In my opinion if you're looking to change your appearance because of a shallow reason like "I don't like how this part of my body looks" then you don't need surgery you need therapy. It sounds like to me you need to change how you think and perceive yourself rather then spending thousands on dollars putting yourself most likely in debt to get a fix you might dislike later.
            I would much rather save my money for a trip to like the Bahamas where I can make memories that use that money for a temporary fix. The temporary fix isn't going to last forever and when it's finally gone you're just going to be left with the same empty feeling. Why not look in to something that will give you the permanent fix that will in the long run make you happy.     

Thursday, March 28, 2013

So Called Bad Girls

            Okay so you're a bad girl and it usually means that you don't care about anyone else. So many so called bad girls get in to fights over the most ridiculous things. Most of these bad girls go as far as stabbing the people they say are their friends in the back or even cheating on their significant other. The worst part of these situations is that they are actually proud of the things they do. Why would you be proud of being considered a slut and a terrible person all around? I don't even understand how there are even people that would want to around these so called bad girls. Why would someone want a person in their life that openly is terrible to everyone and doesn't care?
            I am sad to admit that one of my guilty pleasures is watching the Bad Girls Club on the Oxygen Network. Season after season I watch these women get on national television proclaiming how they are a bad girl because they are the life of the party and don't give a shit what people think of them. From my perspective they are a bad girl because they are willing to get in to fist fights and call each other pretty much every name in the book. My favorite line (I think sarcastically) in the entire series is that some of them claim they are classy women. How in the world are you a classy woman when you are having sex on national television? Classy women don't go dancing  knowing very well they are wearing a dress that is extremely short. I've lost count of the number of underwear I've seen because these women are dancing sexy  forgetting that when they squat down their dresses go up to their stomachs. These so called classy women have even done wet t-shirt contests without wearing a bra. When I see these so called bad girls I don't think of someone that I would want to be around. If I were to see these women in real life I would definitely be going in the opposite direction from them. 
            While watching this series I've also noticed a very common trait among all these bad girls. They have no sense of loyalty when it comes to their relationships whether it be friends or boyfriends. They have repeatedly sad that this person or that person is their friend in the house. The next thing I know they are talking crap about that person behind their back or even getting in to a fight with them. Most of them enter the house they are staying in for the duration of the show say they have boyfriends waiting for them back home. It isn't even a week in to the show before they seem to be looking for someone just to have sex with. Why have a boyfriend if you're just going to cheat on them? You clearly can't be loyal to just one person so why make that commitment? Just remain single and quit wasting someone's time that could be with someone that actually treats them right. Do these women even realize that their boyfriends back home will eventually watch the show and see the evidence of them being cheated on? Most of these women just keep some of the guys around because they give them stuff. One girl in the most recent season has an older guy she sees that has the nickname of Mr. Yes because he never says no to anything she asks for. So not only do these bad girls not know how to be faithful but most seem to be gold diggers. Why would anyone want to be with women like this?
            I'll never quite understand why a woman that claims they are a classy woman would fight, cuss, show off their underwear, and sleep around. I would never be proud of myself for doing any of those things. I would feel so lonely because honestly I wouldn't have any friends because no one around me could trust me. I would much rather be the good girl who knows how to have a good time without hurting any of the people around me in the process. Would you want someone like this in your life?